Friday 26 May 2017

Refletions W4 T2 chapter chat maths

kiaora this is my chapter chat work for this week its about japan and we had to do research about japan.
kiaora this is my basic facts for this week and we had to do counting in tens 

Friday 12 May 2017

reflections T2 W2 numarcy literacy

Kiaora this is my maths  for this week I liked it because it was fun and it was about pirates and and you had to add up the gold. 


kiaora this is my reading for this week and I liked it because we had to make up 5 different questions and the name of the book is friend in the wild and it about hunting.

Kiaora this week is book week and as a school this is my costume i'm Rambo I think I look real cool

Tuesday 9 May 2017

Kiaora this is my Denniston work for this week and i enjoyed it.Denniston is a place in west port and its o a big hill we went there as a class to see all the old coaling equipment it was awesome and we even seen a stamper working it was really fun to watch.
Kiaora this week our class has been doing cycle safety with constable joss was the police man that was watching us and 4-5 adults+out teacher it was really fun and we went on the road and everything.